Boosters Testosterone Hormonal Health Hormonal Health Is Vital To Healthy Aging

Hormonal Health Is Vital To Healthy Aging

Hormonal Health Is Vital To Healthy Aging post thumbnail image

Science is constantly updating our knowledge about our health and wellness. One of the areas that we know more about and has become big business in the last decade or so is our hormonal health. Our hormones are the chemical messengers that give instructions to our cells and systems.

We know now that when we get sick particularly if we get a chronic disease that it is related to unfavorable changes in our hormonal levels. Millions of people are hospitalized and many die each year because of the shifts in these levels that trigger other changes that lead to dozens of diseases that make us sick.

The degenerative process that we know as aging gives us the wrinkles, the stooped posture and the grey hair. What it also gives us that is not so visible is dwindling muscle tissue and bone strength, an increase in excess body fat, a decrease in the efficiency of our body systems and processes, lowered energy levels and a susceptibility to disease.

This is the dreaded downward spiral of aging which if we let it sucks us into its clutches. It can take us from a strong, energetic and vital being into a state of weakness and feebleness which leads to the sad disability we see in old people in the last third of their life. Along with this decline come apathy and little desire to be active which further hastens the ‘shutdown mode’.

But it does not have to be this way; we know now through research that our hormonal levels can be improved with the stimulation that comes from being physically active. But not just pottering around the house active – that will not even come close to cutting it.

What is needed is a strength training exercise program that is designed to rebuild and tone up muscle tissue that in turn will stimulate ‘growth and repair’ hormones that will improve health, slow down the aging process and boost the immune system to protect us from disease.

We also know a lot more about the hormonal affects of activity and exercise now and a 21st Century exercise program is all about restoring body composition (muscle/fat ratio) to a healthy balance. This cannot be achieved by any type of ‘cardio’ type activity. Our muscle tissue makes up to 50 percent of our body weight and its health and condition determines the level of our health right through adulthood.

If you allow your muscles to become weak, flabby and whither away from lack of use you are taking a big risk with your health and ultimately your life. It is so easy to fit in 2-3 sessions of strength training each week. Even this small amount is a powerful efficient tool that will work at keeping your hormone levels in a better balance.

This will give you more youthful strength, vitality, vigor and energy that you may have had in years (maybe decades. So, get yourself started as the sooner you do the sooner you can enjoy the many benefits this old but proven form of exercise can give you.

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